Term Four
This term we have been learning about hot and cold things. We sorted these photos of seasons and landscapes into hot, cold, warm and cool sets.
Stories about Ag DayI love my vegetable dog. By James
I am doing a spoon and egg race. By Zechariah I am running in the race. By Cedie Dad is in the tractor. By Braxton I am going to make a scarecrow. By Indy |
Today is ag day. First I made Pac Man. Next I made a scarecrow . I was with T.J. By Oscar
I made a scarecrow. It could stand up on his own. It was yesterday at school. By Richie
Yesterday I made a scarecrow, it was the scariest in the school. Then we looked at some sheep. After that we looked at a harvester and two tractors, one was a Claas and the other tractor was a Case. By Adam
On Monday I made a scarecrow with Aina, Indy, JR, and Cedie. The scarecrow is scary because we put a web on the scarecrow. By Dale
The first thing I did was my peacock. It was really, really, really cool. It is the best in the class. By Nathan
I made a scarecrow. It could stand up on his own. It was yesterday at school. By Richie
Yesterday I made a scarecrow, it was the scariest in the school. Then we looked at some sheep. After that we looked at a harvester and two tractors, one was a Claas and the other tractor was a Case. By Adam
On Monday I made a scarecrow with Aina, Indy, JR, and Cedie. The scarecrow is scary because we put a web on the scarecrow. By Dale
The first thing I did was my peacock. It was really, really, really cool. It is the best in the class. By Nathan
I went to Stateford upon Avon in a water taxi
I went to MaryArden's farm and saw a man flying a barn owl. The owl flew right over my head and it was silent i just felt the wind brush my fur.
Friday I did a tree top walk at Kew Gardens in London. It was very high!
I went for a bike ride and found a windmill.. I went through the sand dunes an found some gnomes in the forest, a ruined castle, a lake with ducks and a heron, buffalos at another lake sitting in purple flowers and shells on the beach wnen I got through all the dunes there was the sea.
I saw tis child playing the piano at den Haag train station. every trsin station I have bern in hsd a piano.
I went back in time at Archeon. I am in a medieval village and I found these animals. What can you see? only 2 types where outside, all the rest were in a barn. Some of the houses had bsrns at the back of thr house with a half wall seperating the people from the animals. Behind the bee keepers house was a garden with vegetables and fkowers. Did you see the bee hives? The bes are a bit small to see but they look blsck around the entrance to the hive.
I also went back to Roman timrs. I saw lots of soldiers. I did not like the toliets because you had to sit in a room with lots of other people. Can you see the wooden bucket and the sponge for wiping that is beside me? The people here found an old boat and are fixing it. The blavk wood is what they found and the white wood is the new wood. They have been given 5 years to fix it, They have 2 more years to go. I got tired and I found a friend to sleep with in a Roman vills!
I went to Delft today. The canals were pretty with there flowers. The canal is like the white line in the middle of the road. The cars go in one direction on one side of the canal and the opposite direction on the other side. I saw a man making wooden clogs. He said he only makes them for people not for cats!
I wanted to play with this little dog but he only wanted to look at his friend. I was sad.
Sunday |
a statue of d'Artagnan one of the three muskateers. He is buried nearby, people say!
Saturday |
I was scared this giant owl would think I was a mouse and eat me!
Friday Day Three
I got a train from Amsterdan to Steenwijk then a bus to Groon. The houses all have thatched roofs and every section has canals instead of fences. in the old days they dug peat out and sold it. Where the dug water seeped in and created canals. The front was the house and from the black timber part was the barn. from Johnny
The sun was setting at Singapore airport. The sun looked like a large red ball.
We arrived in Amsterdam very early on Tuesday morning. Miss Hammerich took the wrong train and we ended up in Amsterdam. The canal was busy with lots of canal boats. can you see the red flowers? Do you notice the buildings are different?
Johnny's Adventure Starts
I am all packed and ready to go. I am so excited to be going away on this adventure. I am waiting at the airport for customs to open. I am a bit scared but Miss Hammerich will help me.
From Johnny.
Dear Tui Class
I managed to get a window seat. We flew over the Southern Alps going west, over Sydney then over the centre of Australia , up to Darwin and over Indonesia. Miss hammerich turned the map on the plane on. Have a look on the map in the back storage room and see if you can see where we went.
At Singapore airport I went into the butterfly house. I tried to get close to the butterfly's. They were colourful. I even saw some chrysalis in a cupboard!
From Johnny
From Johnny.
Dear Tui Class
I managed to get a window seat. We flew over the Southern Alps going west, over Sydney then over the centre of Australia , up to Darwin and over Indonesia. Miss hammerich turned the map on the plane on. Have a look on the map in the back storage room and see if you can see where we went.
At Singapore airport I went into the butterfly house. I tried to get close to the butterfly's. They were colourful. I even saw some chrysalis in a cupboard!
From Johnny
Our frost stories
I'm skating at school. It was icy at school so I stayed off the ice puddles. By Sofia
I am walking to school and it is a frosty day. It is all crunchy. By Dale
I am smashing the ice. By Richie
I am walking to school and it is a frosty day. It is all crunchy. By Dale
I am smashing the ice. By Richie
I made a robot. My robot is kicking a house high into the sky. By Thomas
I blew a bubble it was big and it floated over the roof. It landed on the tennis court. By Nikora
Today we blew bubbles. Some of my bubbles were green, blue, pink, and yellow. Some were ovals and circles. By Adam
Ferrymead |
Today we blew bubbles. Some bubbles were red. By Zechariah
Today we blew bubbles. My bubbles were red. By Nathan
Today I blew bubbles outside. They were orange. By Dale
Today we blew bubbles. My bubble was a circle. I blew the bubbles up. The wind blew the bubble so high that I couldn’t reach them. By Oscar
On Thursday Tui class learnt about olden day toys and games dating back to the 1900s at Ferrymead. We were also lucky enough to see the train going.
I am at the train station at Ferrymead. I saw the smoke train moving.
By Oscar I am playing with Jacob's ladder. I moved my hand and it fell down.By Dale
I am on the stilts with Nikora and Thomas. My Dad is helping me get on the stilts. It was fun. By Adam
It was cool to see a steam train reverse. We saw some carriages. We saw some really old, old carriages on the other side. By Thomas
Perceptual Motor Program (PMP)
This year Tui class have started the PMP program. This is a program which develops childrens' perceptions and judgements about space and how they react to their environment, others around them and new ideas. It includes rhythm, beat, singing, balance, ball skills, language development. We have started by doing some floor sessions.